Calendar of Events

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Hello church!

This past fall, I have been working with Mennonite Central Committee Ontario in helping to organize a service and learning trip for young adults to Bangladesh in June. The trip is for people over age 18 who want to learn more about the work of MCC and have an international learning experience. The program is called Shikka, which is the Bengla word for 'to learn.'

We will be staying with the Sisters at Global Family Catholic Mission and will be teaching children English, and playing with them through songs and games. This will be an opportunity to learn about another culture, religion and language and see where the money from MCC's Global Family Program is going.

I have learned a lot about organizing and planning this year through Shikka. It is a learning experience in itself to take on a role such as this one and receive applications, plan meetings and work on fund raising.

I have wanted to share about this in church for the past few Sundays but I always think about it after the service. So, here is the update! Stay tuned for fun fund raisers coming up and more news about this exciting experience!


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