On April 22, about 70 people - including 12 vendors of solar technology - attended the "solar information evening" planned by our congregation in partnership with Mennonite Central Committee's solar initiative. Richard says "It's hard to quantify concrete results, but I suspect attendees went away with a` better understanding of the technology, the economics and the reasons why the technology is of interest to organizations like MCC and people from within the Mennonite church. I suspect also that some people were convinced to install a system. It will be interesting to see what develops."
Interesting indeed!
Here's what our local paper had to say about the event before it happened: Learn how to sell power back to Hydro One: Mennonites host Earth Day seminar in Stouffville.
And here's an article from MCC's website, including information and quotes from the event itself: Loving our neighbours with the sun of God.
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